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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy



Seatisfy takes data protection responsibly. Privacy and information protection are at the heart of Seatisfy. This Privacy Policy sets out the fundamental principles and practices that we follow to ensure your privacy when using our services.

Seatisfy is the property of UAB Jogundė and manages the data of users of Seatisfy food ordering services ordered through the Seatisfy app, users of other Seatisfy product delivery services and the website

In this Privacy Policy, “Seatisfy Service” means, collectively, the Website, the Seatisfy App and other services provided by Seatisfy to users. In this Privacy Policy, the word “User” or “You” means our customers, users of Seatisfy’s delivery services, agents and other authorised users, potential customers and users of the Seatisfy Service of our client organisations. Our Privacy Policy explains, for example, the types of personal data we process, how we process personal data, and how you can exercise your rights as a data subject (e.g. the right to object, the right of access).

Some of our services may have separate privacy policies. If a separate privacy policy applies to a particular service, we will post it in connection with that service.

In order to comply with changes in data processing practices or otherwise, this Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. The current version is available on the Website. We will not make any material changes to this Privacy Policy or diminish the rights of Users under this Privacy Policy without prior notice.


1.1 This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data by Seatisfy. Seatisfy is part of the UAB Jogundė catering organisation, whose official address is Liepų g. 19, Klaipėda. We are a team and may sometimes make decisions together about the processing of personal data.

As regards the processing of Users’ personal data in Lithuania, Seatisfy and UAB Jogundė act as joint data controllers. This means that Seatisfy and UAB Jogundė jointly determine the purposes and means for which personal data are processed. The local joint controller is:

Jogundė UAB is responsible for dealing with all requests and queries from data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data by Seatisfy and the local Joint Controller.


UAB Jogundė

Company code: 140809765

Address for correspondence. 19, Klaipėda

El. postal address:

Data Protection Officer:Seatisfy has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted using the contact details above or by sending an email to. send an email to


We only process personal data that is necessary for a specific purpose. The personal data we collect and process can be divided into two general categories of data: user data and usage data.

  • User data

User data is personal data collected directly from you or from our client-organisation on whose behalf you use the Seatisfy Service (“Client-Organisation”), as the case may be. We may collect User Data from our Users and the Client Organisation in a number of ways, including after entering into a service agreement with the Client Organisation or when Users register with the Seatisfy Service, subscribe to a newsletter or complete a form. Please also note that we also collect data about any transactions and payments you make using the Seatisfy Service.

  • User data necessary for access to the
    Seatisfy Service

The personal data we collect and process below is necessary for the proper performance of the contract between you and us, as well as for our legitimate interest in fulfilling our contractual obligations to our Client Organisations and our legal obligations.

After the conclusion of the service contract between us and the Client-Organisation, the Client-Organisation shall provide us with your full name and email address. email address.

When you register with the Seatisfy Service and create a user account, you will need to provide us with the information below:

  • your full name

  • phone number

  • el. postal address

  • information related to your payment instrument(s), such as the number of your payment instrument(s) and the expiry date of your payment instrument(s) (required for the purpose of ordering food and other products through the Seatisfy Service, but not stored by Seatisfy, as Seatisfy uses a third party payment service provider to process the payment)

  • User data that you voluntarily provide to us during the use of the Seatisfy Service

Your experience as a user or customer can be improved by providing us with the information below:

Additional account information:

  • Photo –

  • delivery address

  • location data (if you consent to the processing of your location data)

  • details of your partner’s bonus card or participation in another loyalty scheme, if applicable in your country

  • when ordering certain goods subject to an age restriction, the age

  • other information that you provide either when you create a user account or subsequently when you change the details of your account.

Other information. We may also process other information you voluntarily provide, such as:

  • information relating to your Seatisfy orders or orders placed through the Seatisfy Service (such as products purchased, special instructions, date and time of order, total amount and other order history information),

  • information that you provide when you rate our services, comment on our services or respond to our surveys,

  • favourite restaurants, traders and other choices,

  • consents and opt-outs from marketing, and

  • information you provide by phone or email. by post, or in correspondence with us, including recordings of your calls to our customer service.

In addition to the User Data collected from you and the Client Organisation, we process certain personal data about you provided by third party service providers. For example, in the case of legal entities, we may process the contact details of a company’s contact person in order to enable us to properly communicate and send our marketing and customer service. Such information is primarily obtained from public sources: local registers, companies providing information services or the companies themselves.

If your order for products or services may provide information about your health or other sensitive (special category) personal data, Seatisfy is required to process such data in order to provide its Seatisfy Service.

If you connect or log in to your account using Facebook, Facebook shares personal information about you with us, such as your profile picture, your Facebook friend group and your Facebook username. As long as Seatisfy has its own account on the Facebook platform, both: Seatisfy and Facebook are considered joint controllers of your data. For more information on the processing of personal data on the Facebook platform, please see
Meta Privacy Policy

  • Data for use

Usage data is obtained by the User through the Seatisfy Service. Although we do not generally use Usage Data to identify you as an individual, in some cases you may be identified from it, either from it alone or when it is combined or linked to User Data. In such situations, Usage Data may also be considered personal data under applicable law and we will treat such data as personal data.

When you visit or interact with the Seatisfy Service, we may automatically collect the Usage Data set out below:

  • Device, browser and Seatisfy app information, versions, features and settings

  • Information about your service provider, internet service provider and type of network connection, including your IP address

  • Information provided by your device or third-party identifiers to app manufacturers or advertising providers, as well as identifiers that we create ourselves

  • Country, location, time zone and geo-IP location information

  • Are you using a link to and from the Seatisfy Service

  • Details of your interactions with the Seatisfy Service, such as, for example, your usage pattern (paterno), response to promotional campaigns and other offers, order information

  • Tracking and reporting information initiated by our advertising partners, including the time stamps and identifiers mentioned above

For more information on how to manage promotional and analytical identifiers on your device, please see the section “Cookies”.

  • Cookies

We use various technologies to collect and store Usage Data and other information when a User visits the Seatisfy Service, including cookies.
Cookies, which store website information and use website and app telemetry technologies.

Cookies and other website data are stored on your device and allow us to identify visitors to the Seatisfy Service and to facilitate the use of the Seatisfy Service and to create aggregate information about our visitors. This helps us to improve the Seatisfy Service and better serve our Users. Cookies and other website data will not harm your device or files. We use cookies and other website data to tailor the Seatisfy Service and the information we provide to the individual interests of our Users.

Users can choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies. For example, the links below provide information on how to adjust the settings for cookies and other website information in some popular browsers:

Please note that if you refuse the use of cookies, some parts of the Seatisfy Service may not work properly.

The Seatisfy Service uses pseudonymised identifiers to track and predict your usage and preferences of the app and services. Seatisfy also uses third-party session-tracking technologies to verify and report on transactions initiated by our advertising partners.

You can manage your cookie settings in the cookie bars on our websites.

You can also manage your communication and other privacy settings through the Seatisfy app.

Seatisfy visitor IDs can be disabled on iOS and Android mobile devices by changing the settings (iOS: Settings Seatisfy Seatisfy Settings “Limit ad tracking”, and on Android devices: Seatisfy app Profile Settings icon in the top right corner).

Most commonly, advertising identifiers can be disabled on iOS mobile devices by turning on the “Limit ad tracking” tab (Settings) Privacy Advertising Restrict advertising tracking). For an overview and more information about the Advertising Identifier, please see
Apple’s advertising and privacy website

Seatisfy uses a variety of services from the third party analytics and telemetry providers, advertising and related companies listed below, which are integrated into the software used by our customers.

Please note that not all of the above service providers are used consistently and in all jurisdictions.

  • We process personal data only to the extent necessary to achieve specific purposes. Please note that one or more of the following purposes and processing grounds may apply simultaneously.

Firstly, Seatisfy processes your personal data in order to fulfil its contractual obligations to you or to the Client Organisation, for example, to the extent that it is:

  • offer the Seatisfy Service to you, in accordance with the contract between you and Seatisfy or the Client-Organisation and Seatisfy;

  • to perform the contract between you and Seatisfy in order to process and fulfill your Order and to contact you when necessary due to changes in the terms of use, privacy policies or other important contractual terms;

  • to process your payments or any refunds (where applicable) and to provide our partners (restaurants, merchants and our courier partners (collectively “Partner”)) with the information necessary to prepare or deliver your order; and

  • answer your questions or deal with complaints when you contact us.

  • We may process your data where there is a relevant and legitimate interest (i.e. a legitimate interest) in carrying out, maintaining and developing our business or establishing and maintaining a business relationship. When we process data on the basis of our legitimate interest, we balance our specific interest against your right to privacy and, for example, provide you with an easy-to-use form to object to marketing and use pseudonymised or non-identifying data to the extent possible. You have the right to object to the processing of your data processed on the basis of legitimate interest. However, Seatisfy may reject such an objection to the extent that it is compatible with applicable law, for example, where the processing is necessary for the preparation, exercise or defence of legal claims.

  • We process your personal data to the extent necessary and on the basis of legitimate interest, such as:

  • claims handling, debt recovery and other legal processes We may also process data to prevent fraud, abuse of our services and for data, system and network security.

  • contact you about the Seatisfy Service to inform you of changes to the service or to seek your views about the Seatisfy Service

  • to provide advertising or display personalised advertisements on the Seatisfy Service through the Seatisfy Service, or otherwise send you tailored advertising about products or services that may be of interest to you. In order to form such a target group, we may process the Usage Data set out above. Please note that, where required by law, processing for marketing purposes will be based on your consent (see section “Direct Marketing” below).

  • to improve the quality of the Seatisfy Service and to develop our business, for example, by analysing your usage patterns on the Seatisfy Service.

  • ensuring that our services meet your needs by using personal data and customer satisfaction surveys. Where possible, we will use only aggregated, non-identifying data.

  • In processing your data for the purposes of providing the Seatisfy Service and for the other purposes set out above, we may use automated means, which may include the use of automated decision making.

In addition, in accordance with legal requirements, we may process your personal data in order to administer and comply with legal obligations to which we are subject, including the keeping of records and the provision of information to the relevant supervisory authorities, such as the tax authorities or law enforcement authorities.

  • In some parts of the Seatisfy Service, you may be asked to consent to the processing of personal data. For example, in the Seatisfy app you can manage your marketing and other consents. If the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us or by changing the settings of the specific consent, for example, you can do this in the Seatisfy app.

  • We only share your personal data within the Seatisfy organisation if and to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

  • We do not share your personal data with third parties outside the Seatisfy organisation unless one of the following applies:

  • For the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and only to authorised service providers

To the extent that third parties (such as restaurants, merchants or vendors who prepare your order, and our courier partners who deliver your order, and the Customer-Organisation who may pay for your order) need access to your personal data in order for us to provide the Seatisfy Service, or for any other legitimate reason, we will provide your data to such third parties. For example, we may share your phone number with the Partner who is preparing your order if necessary, for example to ask if you would accept another product, to inform you about shortages or special orders.

In addition, we may provide your personal data to our group companies or authorised service providers who provide services to us (including data storage, analytics, accounting, sales, marketing and payment fraud prevention) and to payment service providers for the processing of payments you make to us.

Where data is processed on behalf of Seatisfy by third parties, Seatisfy takes appropriate contractual and organisational measures to ensure that your data is processed solely for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and in accordance with our instructions and appropriate confidentiality obligations and security measures.

Please note that if you provide personal data directly to a third party, for example via a link on the Seatisfy Service, the processing is generally based on the policies and standards of that third party.

  • “Seatisfy

    Service Leveraging Partners

If third parties, such as our Partners who prepare, sell and/or deliver your order, our Partner couriers who deliver your order and the Customer Organisation who may pay for your order, need access to your personal data, we will provide such third parties with your data to enable us to provide the Seatisfy Service to them.

We provide the Partner and, where applicable, its parent company or franchisor with the personal data necessary to fulfil your order. Depending on your role as an Affiliate, this may include your name, delivery address and data relating to your purchase, including information about the location, order number, order and delivery time, delivery method, products ordered, comments and feedback you have provided about your order. Such data is shared in order to enable the Partner to prepare the order, including, where applicable, in-store pickup of products, to ensure the quality of the Partner’s service and the choice of products offered by Seatisfy, and to comply with the Partner’s legal obligations. Where the Partner processes such information for the purposes of exercising its rights and obligations, such as its legal obligations towards you, the Partner is an independent controller of Personal Data and is responsible for the lawfulness of its data processing operations.

You may be able to add your Partner Rewards Card or Loyalty Programme details via the Seatisfy Service to link any orders placed with the Partner to the relevant Loyalty Programme in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Partner. Seatisfy will transmit such data to the Partner and the Partner is the independent controller of such data and is therefore responsible for ensuring the lawfulness of the processing.

If necessary, we may also share your telephone number and name with the Partner preparing your order, for example, to ask you if you accept a substitute product in your order, or to inform you that an item is missing from your order, or to clarify any special request, or to clarify any other details needed to complete your order. For deliveries that are made by our trading partners themselves, we may share your delivery address and telephone number.

  • For legitimate reasons and legal processes

We may share your personal data with third parties outside of Seatisfy if we have a good faith belief that access to and use of the personal data is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any applicable law, regulation and/or court order; (ii) detect, prevent or otherwise respond to fraud, crime, security or technical problems; and/or (iii) to protect the interests, property or safety of Seatisfy, Users or the public, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Where possible, we will inform you of such processing.

  • For other legitimate reasons

If Seatisfy is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we may transfer your personal data to the third party involved. However, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of all personal data. When personal data is transferred or becomes subject to other privacy rules, we will notify all relevant Users.

  • With your explicit consent

We may share your personal data with third parties outside Seatisfy where we have your explicit consent to do so. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, free of charge, for example by contacting us.

  • Seatisfy does not retain your personal data for longer than is legally permissible and necessary for the purposes of providing the Seatisfy Service or relevant parts thereof. The retention period depends on the nature of the information and the purposes of the processing. The maximum period may therefore vary depending on use.

  • After a User deletes his/her account, personal data may only be retained to the extent that such processing is required by law or is reasonably necessary for our legal obligations or legitimate interests, such as for claims handling, accounting, internal reporting and reconciliation purposes.

We regularly review retention periods to ensure that data is kept only for as long as necessary.

  • Right of access to data

You have the right to access and be informed about the processing of your personal data by us. We give you the opportunity to view certain data through your Seatisfy Service user account or to request a copy of your personal data by contacting us using the contact details above.

  • Right to withdraw consent

If the processing is based on the User’s consent, the User may withdraw the consent at any time free of charge. Withdrawal of consent may result in reduced access to the Seatisfy Service. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent carried out before the withdrawal of consent.

  • Right to rectification

You have the right to have incorrect or incomplete personal data we hold about you corrected or completed by contacting us. You can correct or update some of your personal data through your Seatisfy Service user account.

  • Right to request erasure

You can also ask us to delete your personal data from our systems. We will comply with such a request unless we have a legitimate reason not to delete the data.

  • Right to object

You may have the right to object to certain uses of your personal data where such data is processed for purposes other than those necessary for the provision of the Seatisfy Service or to comply with legal obligations. If you do not consent to the further processing of your personal data, this may result in less access to the Seatisfy Service.

  • Right to restrict processing

You may require us to restrict the processing of your personal data, for example, when we are dealing with your requests for erasure, rectification or opposition and/or when we do not have legitimate grounds for processing your data. However, this may result in reduced access to the Seatisfy Service.

  • Right to data portability

Where processing is carried out by automated means and on the basis of a contract or consent, you have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured and commonly used format and to transmit that data to a third party on your own.

  • How to exercise your rights

The above rights can be exercised by contacting Seatisfy Customer Service or by sending us a letter or email. a letter to the above addresses with the following information: full name, address, email address, address, address, email address, etc. your postal address and phone number. If you have a Seatisfy account, we recommend that you contact us using Seatisfy’s customer service feature, which allows us to identify you more easily. We may request additional information necessary to confirm the User’s identity. We may refuse or charge for requests that are unreasonably repetitive, disproportionate or manifestly unfounded.

  • The User has the right at any time to prohibit us from using the User’s personal data for direct marketing purposes, for market research and profiling carried out for direct marketing purposes, by contacting us at the addresses indicated above, or by using the functionalities of the Seatisfy Service, or the unsubscribe option offered with any direct marketing communication.

  • If the User considers that our processing of personal data is incompatible with applicable data protection laws, the User may lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority (the website of the State Data Protection Inspectorate


  • We use administrative, organisational, technical and physical safeguards to protect the personal data we collect and process. Measures include, for example, encryption, pseudonymisation, firewalls, secure rooms and access rights systems where appropriate. Our security controls are designed to maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality, integrity, availability, resilience and recoverability of data. We regularly check the Seatisfy Service, systems and other assets for security vulnerabilities. It should be noted that Seatisfy employees’ access to personal data is limited to what is necessary and only to the extent necessary for the performance of their functions.